About Ash Lumber:
The wood is generally straight-grained with a coarse uniform texture. Ash machines well, is good in nailing, screwing and gluing, and can be stained to a very good finish. It dries fairly easily with minimal degrade, and there is little movement in performance. Ash has very good overall strength properties relative to its weight. It has excellent shock resistance and is good for steam bending.
Ash is used in Furniture, flooring, doors, architectural millwork and moulding, kitchen cabinets, paneling, tool handles, baseball bats, sporting equipment, and turnings. It is particularly suitable for food and liquid containers since there is no odor or taste.
Penn-Sylvan Availability:
- 3/4: Prime, Comsel and #2A Com and Rustic
- 4/4: Prime, Comsel and #2A Com
- 7/4: All grades