About Hard Maple Lumber:
The wood has a close, fine texture and is generally straight-grained. Hard maple dries slowly with high shrinkage, so it can be susceptible to movement in performance. Pre-boring is recommended when nailing and screwing. The wood is hard and heavy with good strength properties. In particular, it has high resistance to abrasion and wear. It also has good steam-bending properties.
Hard Maple is mainly used in flooring, furniture, paneling, ballroom and gymnasium floors, kitchen cabinets, worktops, table tops, butcher blocks, kitchenware and toys. Can also be used in millwork, stairs, handrails, moulding, and doors.
Penn-Sylvan Availability:
- 3/4: FAS/1C and 2A
- 4/4: Prime and Comsel 1-2 white
- 4/4: #2A Com and #3A Com - sap and better
- 5/4-8/4: Upon request