About Red Oak Lumber:

The wood is similar in general appearance to white oak, but with a slightly less-pronounced figure due to the smaller rays. The wood is mostly straight-grained, with a coarse texture. It machines well. Pre-boring is recommended for nailing and screwing. It can be stained to a golden finish, with a wide range of finish tones. Red oak is hard and heavy, with medium-bending strength and stiffness and high-crushing strength.

Red Oak lumber is mainly used in furniture, flooring, architectural millwork and moulding, doors, kitchen cabinets, paneling, and caskets.

Penn-Sylvan Availability:

  • 3/4: Prime, Comsel and #2A Com and Rustic
  • 4/4: Prime - 8'3" and longer lengths
  • 4/4: #1 Com, #2A Com and #3A Com
  • 5/4: Prime - 8'3" and longer lengths
  • 5/4: Comsel and #2 Com
  • 7/4: Prime 1C and 2A

red-oak-sealedRed Oak Lumber